BC Guest Post: Stop the Pension Bailouts

Author: Jordan Bateman 2013/03/06

A small business owner from the Yukon wrote me the following e-mail, and kindly gave us permission to print it here. I suspect it echoes the feelings of a lot of taxpaying Canadians.

I signed the online petition regarding pension fairness and the fact that taxpayers must bail these underfunded funds out. The regular taxpayers must stand up and be counted, if we are going to contribute anything to any government employees pension fund then it would only be fair that they contribute the same amount to the taxpayers that are footing the bill.

Not sure how we got to the point where taxpayers with no pension are contributing to an overgenerous pension for a select group of employees. It seems to me it's an old boys' club, the politicians say you look after us and we will look after you,

In short, I say no more taxpayer money goes to top up these pensions until they figure out a way to make it fair for all Canadians - even the ones paying the bill.

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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